See the Scheduled Scan pane on the top, right side of the Home page.
iolo AntiVirus can automatically scan your entire computer on a regular schedule. If this feature is enabled, the Scheduled Scan pane displays the current schedule and shows the date of the next scheduled full system scan.
Frequency: The scheduled frequency. The default is to scan every 3 days.
Next scheduled scan: The date and time of the next scheduled scan.
Note: You can run a full
system scan at any time from the On-Demand
Scanning pane.
To view or change the schedule, click the Settings link. The Scheduled Scans tab of the Settings window opens.
If scheduled scanning is turned off and you want to enable it, click the Schedule Now link. The Scheduled Scans tab of the Settings window opens. Select the Perform full system scans on a schedule check box.
To determine what a scheduled scan does and does not include in scanning, scheduled scans use the same settings as on-demand scanning. To view or configure settings, click Settings and select the On-Demand tab.
To see when the last full system scan was completed, see the Last Full Scan pane for status and security recommendations.
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